Data retention

wis2box is configured to set data retention according to your requirements. Data retention is managed via the WIS2BOX_STORAGE_DATA_RETENTION_DAYS and WIS2BOX_STORAGE_API_RETENTION_DAYS environment variables as part of configuring wis2box.

Once a day, at UTC midnight, wis2box will run the commands wis2box data clean and wis2box api clean to remove data older than the specified retention period (cronjob defined in wis2box-management/docker/wis2box.cron).

Cleaning (storage)

Cleaning applies to storage defined by WIS2BOX_STORAGE_PUBLIC and WIS2BOX_STORAGE_INCOMING and involves the deletion of files after set amount of time.

Cleaning is performed by default daily at 0Z by the system, and can also be run interactively with:

# delete data older than WIS2BOX_STORAGE_DATA_RETENTION_DAYS by default
wis2box data clean

# delete data older than --days (force override)
wis2box data clean --days=30

Cleaning (API)

Cleaning applies to data in the API backend and involves the deletion of records after a set amount of time.

Cleaning is performed by default daily at 0Z by the system, and can also be run interactively with:

# delete data older than WIS2BOX_STORAGE_API_RETENTION_DAYS by default
wis2box api clean

# delete data older than --days (force override)
wis2box api clean --days=30