

The default wis2box storage capability is powered by MinIO, which provides S3 compatible object storage.

The default wis2box MinIO administration user interface can be accessed locally at http://localhost:9001.

The username/password for MinIO is configured through environment variables (see Configuration).

MinIO login screen

Once logged in, buckets can be managed via the default “Buckets” menu item (click “Manage”). Click “Browse” provides a browsing capability for a storage administrator.

MinIO default administration UI

Uploading data to MinIO

Files can uploaded to the MinIO bucket in a number of ways. Any new file received on MinIO will trigger an MQTT notification which is received by wis2box.

Below are basic examples on sending data to the MinIO wis2box-incoming bucket. For more information and additional examples, consult the official MinIO documentation.

Using the boto3 Python Client

Install the Python boto3 package via pip:

pip3 install boto3

The below example copies a local file (myfile.csv) to the wis2box-incoming bucket with topic

import boto3

endpoint_url = 'http://localhost:9000'
filename = 'myfile.csv'

session = boto3.Session(
    aws_secret_access_key='XXXXX' # your wis2box storage password

s3client = session.client('s3', endpoint_url=endpoint_url)

with open(filename, 'rb') as fh:
    s3client.upload_fileobj(fh, 'wis2box-incoming', f'foo/bar/baz/{filename}')

To allow uploading files into MinIO remotely, the wis2box-incoming bucket is proxied via Nginx.

For example, to upload the local file (WIGOS_0-454-2-AWSNAMITAMBO_2021-11-18T0955.csv with topic) to the folder mw-mw_met_centre-test/data/core/weather/surface-based-observations/synop:

import boto3

endpoint_url = '<your-wis2box-url>'
filename = 'WIGOS_0-454-2-AWSNAMITAMBO_2021-11-18T0955.csv'

session = boto3.Session(
    aws_secret_access_key='XXXXX' # your wis2box storage password

s3client = session.client('s3', endpoint_url=endpoint_url)

folder = 'mw-mw_met_centre-test/data/core/weather/surface-based-observations/synop'
with open(filename, 'rb') as fh:
    s3client.upload_fileobj(fh, 'wis2box-incoming', f'{folder}/{filename}')

Using the MinIO Python Client

MinIO provides a Python client which can be used as follows:

Install the Python minio module via pip:

pip3 install minio

The below example copies a local file (mydata.bin) to the wis2box-incoming bucket to topic

from minio import Minio

filepath = '/home/wis2box-user/local-data/mydata.bin'
minio_path = '/it-meteoam/data/core/weather/surface-based-observations/synop/'

endpoint = 'http://localhost:9000'
WIS2BOX_STORAGE_PASSWORD = 'XXXXX' # your wis2box storage password

client = Minio(

filename = filepath.split('/')[-1]
client.fput_object('wis2box-incoming', minio_path+filename, filepath)

Using S3cmd

Given MinIO is S3 compatible, data can be uploaded using generic S3 tooling. The below example uses S3cmd to upload data to wis2box MinIO storage:

Edit the following fields in ~/.s3cfg:

cat << EOF > ~/.s3cfg
# Setup endpoint
host_base = localhost:9000
use_https = False

# Setup access keys
access_key = wis2box
secret_key = XXXXX

Below is a simple command line example to copy a local file called myfile.csv into the wis2box-incoming bucket, to topic foo/bar/baz:

s3cmd myfile.csv s3://wis2box-incoming/foo/bar/baz

Using the MinIO UI

Files can also be uploaded interactively via the MinIO adminstration interface. The example below demonstrates this capability when browsing the wis2box-incoming bucket:

Uploading files using the MinIO adminstration interface