Public services setup

To share your data with the WIS2 network, you need to expose some of your wis2box services to the Global Services:

  • The Global Cache needs to be able to access to your HTTP endpoint at port 80 to download data published by your wis2box instance

  • The Global Broker needs to be able to subscribe to your MQTT endpoint at port 1883 to receive WIS2 notifications published by your wis2box instance


It is recommended to use a reverse proxy to route HTTP and MQTT traffic from/to your wis2box, and to enable TLS (HTTPS/MQTTS) on your wis2box.

Please remember to update the WIS2BOX_URL and WIS2BOX_API_URL``environment variable after enabling SSL, ensuring your URL starts with ``https://.

Please note that after changing the WIS2BOX_URL and WIS2BOX_API_URL environment variables, you will need to restart your wis2box:

python3 stop
python3 start

After restarting wis2box, repeat the commands for adding your dataset and publishing your metadata, to ensure the URLs are updated accordingly:

python3 login
wis2box data add-collection /data/wis2box/metadata/discovery/metadata-synop.yml
wis2box metadata discovery publish /data/wis2box/metadata/discovery/metadata-synop.yml

Nginx (HTTP)

wis2box runs a local nginx container allowing access to the following HTTP based services on port 80:



API (wis2box-api)


UI (wis2box-ui)


Storage (incoming data) (minio:wis2box-incoming)


Storage (public data) (minio:wis2box-public)


You can edit nginx/nginx.conf to control which services are exposed through the nginx-container include in your stack.

You can edit docker-compose.override.yml to change the port on which the web-proxy service exposes HTTP on the localhost.


The WIS2 notifications published by the wis2box includes the path <wis2box-url>/data/. This path has to be publicly accessible by the client receiving the WIS2 notification over MQTT, or the data referenced cannot be downloaded

To share your data with the WIS2 network, ensure that WIS2BOX_URL as defined in wis2box.env points to the externally accessible URL for your HTTP services.

After updating WIS2BOX_URL, please stop and start your wis2box using and republish your data using the command wis2box metadata discovery publish.


By default the environment variable WIS2BOX_URL resolves to http://localhost. This URL will define the /data URL used in the canonical link as part of your data in MQTT, as well as the dataset location in your discovery metadata.

wis2box API

The wis2box API uses pygeoapi, which implements the OGC API suite of standards, to provide programmatic access to the data collections hosted in your wis2box.

wis2box API-api


Currently, the default API backend in the wis2box stack uses Elasticsearch. A dedicated Docker-volume es-data is created on your host when you start your wis2box. As long as this volume is not deleted you can remove/update the containers in the wis2box stack without losing data.

wis2box user interface

The wis2box user interface uses the wis2box API to visualize the data configured and shared through your wis2box.

The ‘map’ or ‘explore’ option of each dataset allows you to visualize Weather Observations per station.

wis2box UI map visualization wis2box UI data graph visualization

Mosquitto (MQTT)

By default, wis2box uses its own internal Mosquitto container to publish WIS2 notifications.

To allow the WIS2 Global Broker to subscribe to WIS2 notifications from your wis2box you have 2 options:

  • enable access to internal broker running in the MQTT container on your wis2box host

  • configure your wis2box to use an external broker

Internal broker

The internal MQTT broker is accessible on the host mosquitto within the Docker network used by wis2box.

By default port 1883 of the mosquitto container is mapped to port 1883 of the host running wis2box.

By exposing port 1883 on your host, the Global Broker will be able to subscribe directly to the internal MQTT broker on the wis2box.


The everyone user is defined by default for public readonly access (origin/#) as per WIS2 Node requirements.

External broker

If you do not wish to expose the internal MQTT broker on your wis2box, you can configure your wis2box to publish WIS2 notifications to an external broker by setting the environment variable WIS2BOX_BROKER_PUBLIC.

# For example to use an external broker at


The everyone user is defined by default for public readonly access (origin/#) as per WIS2 Node requirements.

Registering your WIS2 Node

Contact for the procedure to register your WIS2 Node with the WIS2 network.

Next: Downloading data from WIS2