
This page lists several commonly seen issues and how to address them.

‘./docker-compose.yml’ is invalid

When starting wis2box you see the errors:

ERROR: The Compose file './docker-compose.yml' is invalid because:
Unsupported config option for volumes: 'auth-data'
Unsupported config option for services: 'wis2box-auth'

check the version of docker-compose you are running with:

docker-compose --version

if not 1.29.2 you can install this using the following docker-compose :

# download docker-compose 1.29.2
sudo curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
# set executable
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
# remove current version
sudo rm /usr/bin/docker-compose
# set link to downloaded version
sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/docker-compose /usr/bin/docker-compose

OSError: Missing data mappings

The wis2box logging displays the error:

OSError: Missing data mappings: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/data/wis2box/data-mappings.yml'

Check your dev.env and check value that was set for WIS2BOX_HOST_DATADIR


In this case the value set was ‘/home/wmouser/wis2box-data’

Check that the file ‘data-mappings.yml’ is contained in this directory:

ls -lh /home/wmouser/wis2box-data/data-mappings.yml

After you have ensured the data-mappings.yml is in the directory defined by WIS2BOX_HOST_DATADIR, restart the wis2box:

python3 stop
python3 start

Topic Hierarchy validation error: Unknown file type

Check your data-mappings.yml file to adjust the file extension expected by the plugins processing your dataset.

If you are ingesting files with extension .bin:

        - plugin:
          notify: true
          file-pattern: '*'

If you are ingesting files with extension .b:

        - plugin:
          notify: true
          file-pattern: '*'

The Access Key Id you provided does not exist in our records

If you see this error when uploading data to the wis2box-incoming storage, you have provided the wrong username and/or password to access MinIO. Check the values for WIS2BOX_BROKER_USERNAME and WIS2BOX_BROKER_PASSWORD you have provided in your dev.env file. The default username/password for MinIO is minio/minio123.

Topic Hierarchy validation error: No plugins for … in data mappings

A file arrived a folder for which no matching dataset was defined in your data-mappings.yml.

For dataset, store your file in the path /foo/bar/.

This requires either updating data-mappings.yml or changing the target folder under which the file is received.

ERROR - Failed to publish, wsi: …, tsi: XXXXX

Data arrived for a station that is not present in the station metadata cache. To add missing stations, update the file metadata/station/station_list.csv in the wis2box data directory (see Installation and configuration).

Error: no such container: wis2box-management

If the wis2box-management container is not running the ‘login’ command will fail. The wis2box-management container depends on other services being available before it can successfully started.

Please check all services are Running using the following command:

python3 status

Possible issues are:

  • port 80 is already in use, the nginx-service will fail to start if there is already a web-server running on your instance

  • WIS2BOX_STORAGE_PASSWORD is too short, minio will fail to start if you specify a WIS2BOX_STORAGE_PASSWORD of less than 8 characters

wisbox-UI is empty

If when you access the wis2box-UI you see the interface but no datasets are visible, check the WIS2BOX_URL and WIS2BOX_API_URL are set correctly.

Please note that after changing the WIS2BOX_URL and WIS2BOX_API_URL, you will have to restart your wis2box:

python3 stop
python3 start

And repeat the commands for adding your dataset and publishing your metadata, to ensure the URLs are updated in the records:

python3 login
wis2box data add-collection ${WIS2BOX_HOST_DATADIR}/surface-weather-observations.yml
wis2box metadata discovery publish ${WIS2BOX_HOST_DATADIR}/surface-weather-observations.yml