Getting started

wis2box can be run on any Linux instance (bare metal or cloud hosted VM) with Python, Docker and Docker Compose installed. The recommended OS is Ubuntu 22.04 LTS.

System requirements

System requirements depend on the amount of data ingested. We recommend minimum 2vCPUs, 4GB Memory and 16GB of local storage.

For example, the following Amazon AWS ec2-instance-types have been utilized as part of wis2box demonstrations.

  • 0 - 2000 observations per day: “t3a.medium”-instance: 2vCPUs, x86_64 architecture, 4GB Memory, up to 5 Gigabit network, 16GB attached storage (~35 USD per month for on-demand Linux based OS)

  • 2000 - 10000 observations per day: “t3a.large”-instance: 2vCPUs, x86_64 architecture, 8GB Memory, up to 5 Gigabit network, 24GB attached storage (~70 USD per month for on-demand Linux based OS)

Software dependencies

The services in wis2box are provided through a stack of Docker containers, which are configured using Docker Compose.

wis2box requires the following prior to installation:




3.8 or higher

Docker Engine

20.10.14 or higher

Docker Compose

1.29.2 or higher

The following commands can be used to inspect the available versions of Python, Docker and Docker Compose on your system:

docker version
docker-compose version
python3 -V

Once you have verified these requirements, go to Installation and configuration for a step-by-step guide to install and configure your wis2box.