API publishing

At this stage:

  • station metadata has been configured

  • discovery metadata has been created

  • data pipelines are configured and running

Let’s dive into publishing the data and metadata:

wis2box provides an API supporting the OGC API standards using pygeoapi.

Station metadata API publishing

The first step is to publish our station metadata to the API. The command below will generate local station collection GeoJSON for pygeoapi publication.

wis2box metadata station publish-collection

Discovery metadata API publishing

This step will publish dataset discovery metadata to the API.

wis2box metadata discovery publish /path/to/discovery-metadata.yml

Dataset collection API publishing

The below command will add the dataset collection to pygeoapi from the discovery metadata MCF created as described in the Discovery metadata section.

wis2box api add-collection $WIS2BOX_DATADIR/data/config/foo/bar/baz/discovery-metadata.yml --topic-hierarchy foo.bar.baz

To delete the colection from the API backend and configuration:

wis2box api delete-collection --topic-hierarchy foo.bar.baz

Note that the data itself is being published to the API backend automatically given the event driven workflow. If manual ingest is needed, the following command can be run in interactive mode:

wis2box api add-collection-items --topic-hierarchy foo.bar.baz

API container restart

Any change to API configuration requires a restart of the API container, which can be run via the following:

python3 wis2box-ctl.py restart wis2box


At this point, you have successfully published the required data and metadata collections to the API.