How wis2box works

wis2box is implemented in the spirit of the Twelve-Factor App methodology.

wis2box is a Docker and Python-based platform with the capabilities for centres to integrate their data holdings and publish them to the WMO Information System with a plug and play capability supporting data publishing, discovery and access.

High level system context

The following diagram provides a high level overview of the main functions of wis2box:

how wis2box works: System context

Core wis2box functionality includes the ability to:

  • integrate your existing data processing pipeline

  • cache station metadata from the OSCAR/Surface station metadata management tool

  • process and transform your weather/climate/water data into official WMO data formats

  • create and publish discovery metadata of your datasets

  • provide your data via OGC and PubSub standards mechanisms to your data, enabling easy access for web applications, desktop GIS tools, mobile applications

  • connect your wis2box to the WIS 2.0 network

  • make your data and services available to market search engines

  • subscribe to and download weather/climate/water data from the WIS 2.0 network

Docker Compose

wis2box is built as Docker Compose application, allowing for easy install and container management.

Container workflow

Let’s dive a little deeper. The following diagram provides a view of all wis2box containers:

how wis2box works: Containers

Container functionality can be described as follows:

  • Data Consumer: the data entry point of wis2box. Data pipelines and workflow begins here

  • Data Management: the epicentre of wis2box. Provides core wis2box administration and data/workflow/publishing utilities

  • Storage: core data persistence

  • API Application: OGC APIs providing geospatial web services

  • Web Application: user interface


wis2box is built on free and open source (FOSS) technology.





Data Consumer




Data Management

data processing and publishing

pygeometa pyoscar


API Application

data discovery and access

pygeoapi Elasticsearch


Web Application

data discovery and visualization

Vue.js Leaflet